In this video, we learn how to perform the Tango transition through the cross. As you start the Tango, you will stay close to your partner with both of your bodies. You will want to have your arms high and your body taught so that you can easily transition from one move to the other. Make sure the leader and the follower are both practiced so you transition into the cross more. The follower should pay attention to the leader's moves and both parties should be working together. Have fun dancing...
In this video, we learn how to improve the quality of movement in a tango dance. Focus on the connection with the other person, the music, and connecting with the body as you are dancing with the other person. Be very strong and heavy into the ground as you are dancing and very light as you are moving around. Do a strong walk and make sure you are in touch with the rhythm but also make sure your body moves lightly around the dance floor, like it's effortless. Keep your body in contact with the...
In this video, we learn how to dance the tango: the Hard Side. This will focus on the follower's pivot from an ocho. Sometimes it's harder for the leader and easier for the follower or vice versa. You can do various combinations while starting with the basic tango when you begin. No matter if it's the hard side or the easy side make sure you are on the right axis and you are maintaining the proper positioning. Maintain your spiral as you are pivoting and you should be able to get this dance...
In this video, we learn how to focus on milonga basic rhythm & phrasing in tango. Use your pattern to focus on the strong beats and dance to the rhythm. Find the one in your dance and have a sense of home base. Be grounded and use height change while you are dancing. Pay attention to the music as you are dancing and stay close to your partner as you are dancing. Keep close contact with them and make sure your body position stays upright, not straying from their side. Have fun while dancing!...
In this video, we learn how to do the Tango close to open, promenade and 1 alteration. Remember the basic rules of staying in the line of dance and going with the music. Twist your hips and go from closed to open, practicing this often so you get better at it. You and your partner should feel the music as you are both dancing. Keep the bodies in proper position so each of you can change from open to close as you would like. Use different alterations that you are comfortable with to get a...
In this video, we learn how to perform boleos and sacadas in tango. When you are learning this song, you need to first make sure you are following along to the beat. Work the combination of both of these dances, they go very well together. They will usually be first the boleo which will transition into the five step sacada. Do a good and strong ocho using your ocho factory and make sure to embrace your steps. Work the timing of the ocho into the point of no return and make sure you are standing...
In this tutorial we learn how to perform the organic gancho in Tango. when you are starting out doing this dance you want to make sure that both of your bodies are in the right spots. After this, try doing the closed and open tango individually and then together. Make sure the woman is moving around the man and that both of the bodies stay close together. As you continue to do the dance, you will go with the flow of the music but also make sure you are counting your steps, have fun and enjoy...
Arguably the most impressive dance move a man can execute in the pursuit of a woman is the dip. Dipping women has been a climactic moment in dance for centuries, and you really should know how to pull it off if you're a man and you like romance and dancing. Watch this video to learn how.
In this tutorial, we learn how to use breathing & intention in tango. Use the pattern of walking into the cross and add in elements of staying in the line. Lead the cross carefully and slowly by breathing slowly to help make an easy transition from closed to open. Put all these elements to help make the dance look better by paying attention to the details. Keep in mind that people are looking at you and want to see someone happy dancing. Keep a smile on your face but also make sure to pay close...
In this tutorial, we learn how to use height change in tango. This will combine many elements of tango to change height deliberately for function and style. You do not want to change your weight and height without knowing it, because it can change how you dance and make it look completely different. Pay attention to your body and how your feet are placed on the ground. If your body weight is shifted too much to one foot it can change how you are dancing and the height of your overall self. Use...
In this video, we learn how to perform colgadas in tango. Doing this sends out partner out, to create a nice balance. After this, you will exit together. There are many different forms of colgadas, including: two foot, step over, multiple, collapsible, and more! Once you learn how to do these, you can incorporate them into a dance that has wraps, back steps, ochos, and more. When you are learning these, make up your timing and placement is exact, or the dance move will not look right. Both...
In this video, we learn how to dance the tango promenade with Homer and Cristina Ladas. The pattern to learn how to dance this you will start in an open body and use both your upper body and hips for a close and open embrace technique. There are several techniques, including stepping and turning over that can be learned while doing this. Do which of the techniques that feel more comfortable for you to do. When you start out, you will be holding the partner close, then as you continue the dance...
In this video, we learn how to do low and high leg wraps in tango. Whether you are doing a high or low wrap, you want to make sure you have total control over your leg. The leader should know how to position their body and have the right energy while doing this. The leader should have their thigh positioned in the correct place so they can receive the wrap and the woman can wrap correctly. You will have choices on how you articulate the wrap. Have the intention to have full contact with your...
Tango teachers perform a didactic demo to highlight and integrate the concept covered during class. Today's class will focus on volcadas-funny, collapse, traveling and volcada pluses. All involve similar concepts. Start basic and get complexed. (Major actions are performed by female partner).
Lean into partner. Partner travels around you. Lift leg high and cross in front of left leg. Repeat. Wrap leg around partner. Cross legs in back. Do a front split. Slide across floor to left. ...
Like the foxtrot, the quick step follows a rythm that starts off slow then picks it up or a 2/4 or 4/4 time beat. It comes from the Charleston and actually got its name due to a quick step taken in the middle of the dance. See if you got what it takes to do the quick step with this helpful tutorial from dance instructor Nina Ortega.
Learning how to dance can be a fun and exciting experience that teaches you not only how to dance, but a little about another countries culture as well. In this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to foxtrot. It's a ballroom dance that is done in a pattern of slow, slow, then quick, quick. Like any dance, it takes time and practice. So good luck, pay attention, and enjoy!
We are shown a few steps in the passionate dance, the tango. It is emphasized that this erotic dance is 100% lead by the male. It is fueled by aggression and dominance by the male partner. The female is in his lead. There are eight top movements that are divided into two parts, then they are all joined together. The directions are given in a slow and simple manner that can be easily followed and practiced in your own home. Step by step with careful narration she guides you in the dance. With...
Want to become a good Ballroom dancer? Libreros step number five of tango dancing is the ouside swivel - a mans step. Start by facing the center of the room in the close position. Take a forward step on the left foot and a side step swinging your right foot to the side. Put your weight onto the right foot and lean back then take a step back with your left foot in the contra body position. As you are stepping back with the left foot, your body turns to the right, helping you partner "swivel."...
This is a video tutorial summarizing a one hour tengo dancing class. It tells its audience the different types of tengo and what each dance does. Primarily though this video focuses on ballroom tengo. First you should bring your partner to your left side and then step forward for the T-E-N-G-O then for the man you will go slow, slow, fast, fast, slow, do this with your feet. The woman will follow the man but the man must be the leader of the dance otherwise it will not look correctly. The...
Do the two-step! This technique requires a pattern of slow, slow, quick, quick, then repeat. Start dancing your way to two-step perfection with the help of an expert: Nene Ortega is a ballroom dance instructor at The Goddess Store in Hollywood, Florida. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
Want to learn how to do the jive? Jive dance steps consist of triple steps and rock back steps while always keeping your body weight on the balls of your feet. Practice your jive dance steps with guidance from a pro: Nene Ortega is a ballroom dance instructor at The Goddess Store in Hollywood, Florida. Learn more ballet from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
Get your quick step on with help from this free dance lesson! The classic quick step dance is a fun, yet fast ballroom dancing technique that incorporates very quick steps with alternating slower steps. Get a glimpse of what it's supposed to look like plus some helpful pointers from this dance pro: Rosario Nene Ortega is a ballroom dance instructor at The Goddess Store in Hollywood, Florida. Learn more dance moves from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from...
Learn a few of the essential Baroque dance steps, originated in the court of King Louis XIV as theatrical entertainment. Later, Baroque developed into both ballroom dancing and classical ballet dancing. Quick a quick and free lesson from a pro: Rosario Nene Ortega is a ballroom dance instructor at The Goddess Store in Hollywood, Florida. Learn more dance moves from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
Learn how to do a slow foxtrot with help from this free lesson. The slow foxtrot is a smooth and soft international ballroom dance that marked its place in history by the orchestral music of the late 1930s and '40s. Learn this timeless ballroom dance with help from a pro: Rosario Nene Ortega is a ballroom dance instructor at The Goddess Store in Hollywood, Florida. Learn more dance moves from this expert by searching WonderHowTo! You're only practice time away from ruling the dance floor!
Tangostudent shows you how to tango using rhythmic communication in 3s and 5s. This is a demo of a lesson that you can learn in a tango class. The class was focused on rhythm in 3, 5 and 7. You also learn how to communicate that rhythm in linear fashion or in turns. You will learn communication through the embrace and how it's communicated, and how dancers balance each other. A sample dance is then shown to illustrate those techniques.
Homer starts with explanation-on what the art of surprise is all about. He explains that the art of surprise is to create some good and bad surprises for the partner which involves many ways and following the steps can leave your partner really surprised.-Today we will focus on the Rock step and the Side step.-He also indicates that we would be trying to capture our partner in the beginning of the weight transfer during the ROCK step or in the middle of the SIDE step.-The partner should be well...
This is a step by step on how to slow dance with a partner that is parapelegic, meaning they are paralyzed from the waste down. This is an adapted dance that is perfect for couple that have disabilities or a handicapped. Hand placement and speed is important to keeping you upright and steady.
This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the High Back Boleo. Boleos from back ocho with leg in air. Also with extra tap. Music: Que Te Importe Que Llore (Calo)
This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the decorated side step embellishments. Various embellishments that can be added to side steps. Music is 'Mariposa' by Pugliese.
This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the Caricias embellishment. Caricias - 'caressing' your own leg with the free leg before stepping. Common during paradas or slow forward ochos.
This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the Cha Cha Cha in eight cortado. A 'cha-cha-cha' triple step added in on the 'slows' of the quick-quick-slow, quick-quick-slow timing of the ocho cortado.
This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the Tap on Forward Step embellishment. Taps done during forward step (forward ochos here).
This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the Rulo Loco embellishments. A tiny circle with your free foot as pivot during a forward ocho. Coordination of the foot circling and the hips flipping as your change direction is key. (I made this name up, so don't try to ask anyone else what the 'rulo loco' is. They will think YOU are loco!)
This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the Boleo from Front Ochos, low, hi and with embellishment.
This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the Tap on '2' - Embellishment. This video illustrates tapping on the '2', if you count '1-2-3-4' for each beat. ('1' being the downbeat, '3' being the upbeat or exact middle, and '2' and '4' being the places in between or the quarter beats). It is a synchopated embellishment.
As one of the sexiest, most passionate things you can do while still standing upright, the tango takes romance. It takes drama. And it definitely takes two. You will need a dance partner, patience and melodrama! Did you know? Buenos Aires is credited as the birthplace of tango, and is still a global destination for learning and performing the dance. This is a helpful videos for beginners looking to learn the basics of the tango.
This is an instructional video on dancing the Tango, specifically the footwork. This elegant dance instructional goes over the Double Beat embellishments.
This is a common embellishment for back ochos and takes a little practice to work up the speed to do it but once you do you'll find lots of places to fit it in. During back ochos, beat your free foot in front as it passes the other on the "&" count (halfway through the beat), before stepping behind into the next step. (You should feel the achilles tendon at the back of the free leg hit the lower part of the shin of the standing leg, just above the ankle.) Try not to let your legs turn-out as...
This video illustrates tapping more than once during the beat. Possible combination are tapping on '2' + '3', on '3' + '4' or '2' + '4' with the step coming on the '1' always - the downbeat. (Using the system of count '1-2-3-4' for each beat, '1' being the downbeat, '3' being the upbeat or exact middle, and '2' and '4' being the places inbetween or the quarter beats).
Ochos with cha cha cha -- it is a '1-2-3, 1' rhythm, as in 'step-2-3, step'. The 2 tiny extra steps are embellishments that the lady can add in as the man leads a back or forward ocho.
This video illustrates tapping on the '3' or the upbeat (halfway through the beat). Count '1-2-3-4' for each beat. ('1' being the downbeat, '3' being the upbeat or exact middle, and '2' and '4' being the places inbetween or the quarter beats). It is not a synchopated embellishment, as it happens on an even division of the beat.This tap is demonstrated during back ochos, as well as walking forward and back. Keep in mind that this embellishment can be done during any step with the 'slow' rhythm...
A small light tap is one of the easiest and most basic embellishments, and is a nice way for the follower to mark and express the double-time ('quick, quick') - or the 'and' count in between the beats - while the leader is leading a step on the whole beat ('slow'). A tap can be done in the middle of virtually any step - back, side, forward, ocho.
An American Ballroom Companion presents this social dance demonstration from the Library of Congress. Watch this demonstration traditional dance video on the Ragtime Dance: Castle Walk. Not for beginners - this is not an instructional, step by step video. It is an authentic, professional demonstration of the Ragtime Dance: Castle Walk.
This video gives a demonstration of the standard waltz dance. This popular dance style was once used all over the world. Although there are different types of the waltz, this version was most commonly used. Be patient because the video may take a few seconds to download from the Library of Congress.
An American Ballroom Companion presents this social dance demonstration from the Library of Congress. Watch this demonstration traditional dance video on the Ragtime Dance: The Maxixe (1st Step). Not for beginners - this is not an instructional, step by step video. It is an authentic, professional demonstration of the Ragtime Dance: The Maxixe (1st Step). The Maxixe is an Africanized polka or two-step dance, an Afro-Brazilian styling of the polka which was brought to Brazil by European...
An American Ballroom Companion presents this social dance demonstration from the Library of Congress. Watch this demonstration traditional dance video on the Ragtime Dance: The Maxixe. Not for beginners - this is not an instructional, step by step video. It is an authentic, professional demonstration of the Ragtime Dance: The Maxixe. The Maxixe is an Africanized polka or two-step dance, an Afro-Brazilian styling of the polka which was brought to Brazil by European immigrants.
An American Ballroom Companion presents this social dance demonstration from the Library of Congress. Watch this demonstration traditional dance video on the Ragtime Dance: Argentine Tango. Not for beginners - this is not an instructional, step by step video. It is an authentic, professional demonstration of the Ragtime Dance: Argentine Tango. Argentine Tango is a dance which originated in Argentina and then move to Uruguay. In the US it is known as Ballroom Tango.
An American Ballroom Companion presents this social dance demonstration from the Library of Congress. Watch this demonstration traditional dance video on the Ragtime Dance: Argentine Tango (1st figure-feet only). Not for beginners - this is not an instructional, step by step video. It is an authentic, professional demonstration of the Ragtime Dance: Argentine Tango (1st figure-feet only). Argentine Tango is a dance which originated in Argentina and then move to Uruguay. In the US it is known...
The pumpkin just turned into a carriage, your glass slippers look fantastic, and the Prince is on his way, but — dammit — you still need to learn how to ballroom dance. You will need a partner, a dance floor, masking tape, and waltz music. This video gives simple advice for dance posture, the basic waltz box step, and simple turns. Learn how to dance the basics of ballroom dancing, like the waltz box step, by watching this video dance instruction tutorial.
So you can pop it and rock out with the best of 'em, but what happens when the lights dim and the tempo slows down? Take a look at these tips, and do slow-dancing at pro in no time.