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Useful for men and women both! In traditional ballroom dancing, there is a lead role and a follow role. This video shows aspiring Fred Astaires how to assume the lead role for a dance like the waltz o ...

In this video, Homer and Cristina Ladas teach us how to perform enrosques in tango. For the follower, it involves the corkscrew action with no change of weight. You can do this in your own axis or an ...

In this video, we learn how to transition from close to open embrace in tango. Use elastic energy to give you an option to open up and turn or send your partner into a line. For the followers, you sho ...

In this video, we learn how to perform the Tango transition through the cross. As you start the Tango, you will stay close to your partner with both of your bodies. You will want to have your arms hig ...

In this tutorial, we learn how to do close to open transition in tango via back bolero. You can communicate through closed and open embrace by forming your body correctly. You need to use your embrace ...

In this video, we learn how to improve the quality of movement in a tango dance. Focus on the connection with the other person, the music, and connecting with the body as you are dancing with the othe ...

In this video, we learn how to dance the tango: the Hard Side. This will focus on the follower's pivot from an ocho. Sometimes it's harder for the leader and easier for the follower or vice versa. You ...

In this video, we learn how to focus on milonga basic rhythm & phrasing in tango. Use your pattern to focus on the strong beats and dance to the rhythm. Find the one in your dance and have a sense of ...

In this video, we learn how to do the Tango close to open, promenade and 1 alteration. Remember the basic rules of staying in the line of dance and going with the music. Twist your hips and go from cl ...

In this video, we learn how to perform boleos and sacadas in tango. When you are learning this song, you need to first make sure you are following along to the beat. Work the combination of both of th ...